CASL Co-Ed Adult Dodgeball League: Winter 2024

Are you ready for some Dodgeball? CASL's favorite winter sport is off to a late start, but we are coming back in style. We will miss the Wixon lower gym, but we are excited to move into the fancy DY Intermediate school. We can have 4 games going on at once. We use...

CASL Winter 24 Dodgeball

CASL Fall 2022 Dennis Co-Ed Dodgeball League: The Return

After a 2 year hiatus, Dodgeball is back in Dennis. The nostalgic game from elementary school gym class is back for adults. We play every Wednesday night. The season is 7 weeks of regular games and then a one night, winner take all playoff bracket. The game is played with new style dodgeball. They are lightweight foam balls with a plastic skin. This means you can throw them with some force, but they do not hurt.

This is our biggest winter sport, with over 100 players battling each week. You play 2 matches per week. They are 20 minute matches, where you play as many games as you can. The team with the most wins at the end of time, wins the match. The games are faaaast. In 20 minutes, you will play as many as 16 games. The games are a ton of fun and a great physical workout. Do you you think you have what it takes? Ready to duck and weave, and take down your opponent. Register today. I can't wait to get started!!

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