Kickball Season is almost here

The days are longer, the weather is warmer, who is ready to take the field?!!?

Let's Make this the best season yet!

We hope to make this the best season yet. We have been doing this for 7 years, and I look forward to this taking the cake.


Day of Week:Wednesday
Start Time6:30 pm
Skill Level: Just for Fun
League Starts: April 20, 2022


Post-Game Socials

Johnny Kelley Park
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Time to get in the game

Kickball League registration is open. This is the time of year that I love. The days are getting longer, the weather is warmer. Driving with the windows down. Walking on the beach with toes in the sand. It also means that KICKBALL SEASON IS HERE. . We will be taking back to the field this spring with the hopes of having our best season yet. This will be an 8 week season. 7 weeks of regular-season action, followed up by a one-night, winner takes all playoff. Kickball was CASL's first sport 7 years ago. We started with a small group of 4 teams, and now we have had up to 16 teams, and over 1000 players have participated. It is a great way to spend a Wednesday night, meet new people, and have some fun. We try to keep a fair balance between it being a social league vs competitive. We have mastered walking that line. We accept all types of players. Do you have a group of friends that all want to play? Great sign up as a Team Captain, and have them join as team players. Are you with a group of 2-4 players? Join as a small group and I will work to keep you all together and on the same team. Are you a single that wants to give this a shot? That is how most of the people have joined the league. I will find a team that I think will be a good fit. You are an adult looking to play kickball, these are your people. So what are you waiting for? Register today!!


See what our Members say:

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Where We Play: Johnny Kelley Park

Johnny Kelly Park


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Terry has been one of our best sponsors from the start. An amazing local sport that does a lot for the community and veterans. A big part of the Cape Cod music scene. You will always have a good time at the Sand Dollar.

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Formally Etzys, the Den is working hard to become a Dennisport must hit location. Vatsy has dabbled in the CASL world a bit, but has admitted that cooking might be more her thing than sports. Lots of Beers on tap and food that will hit the sport year round. Mke sure to check them out.


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