Fall Kickball Season begins September 21st

Cooler nights, but still a blast

Everyone is Welcome

Players of all skill levels can join as a Free agent, Small Group, or come in as a full Team


Day of Week:Wednesday
Start Time6:40 pm
Skill Level: Just for Fun
League Starts: September 21, 2022


Post-Game Socials

Johnny Kelley Park

Time to get in the game

The Scoop

Fall kickball is upon us. The Summer season went smooth as can be and look forward to a cooler evening Fall Session. We have some spots for full teams and lot of free agents. Anyone looking to give it a try, this will be the perfect season. The games will start at 6:40 for early games and 7:40 for the late games. Weather permitting, we should have the playoffs the week of November 9th, well before it is too cold to play.

League Navigation


See what our Members say:

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Location: Johnny Kelley Park

Wixon Schhol


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Terry has been one of our best sponsors from the start. An amazing local sport that does a lot for the community and veterans. A big part of the Cape Cod music scene. You will always have a good time at the Sand Dollar.


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