Winter Season Starts March 8th

We will be rolling right into the winter season. Come on out as a single, small group, or bring in a full team.

Best way to meet people on Cape Cod

Come on out and meet close to 100 other young adults that are just looking to have some fun on Cape Cod


Day of Week:Wednesday
Start Time6:30 pm
Skill Level: Just for Fun
League Starts: March 8, 2023


Post-Game Socials

Wixon School: Lower Gym

Time to get in the game

The Scoop

Join us for some fun-filled action with Cape Cod’s only Co-Ed Adult Dodgeball League’s upcoming winter season! Get ready to dip, duck, and dive while reliving your nostalgic gym class memories. Whether you’re coming solo, with a small group, or a full team, we welcome you to join us in our quest for excitement and adventure.

Our 8-week season includes 7 regular weeks of action-packed dodgeball, followed by a thrilling 1 week playoff. Each night, you’ll play 2 timed matches, with as many games as possible within that time. The team with the most wins takes the W for the match. We use foam dodgeballs, which may travel fast, but won’t cause any pain.

After the match, the fun doesn’t end there! We invite you to join us at the Sand Dollar for some complimentary pizza and a chance to connect with your fellow dodgeballers.

Don’t wait any longer! Register today and experience the thrill of CASL’s Dodgeball league. Come with the right attitude of having fun, meeting new people, and enjoying some exercise. We can’t wait to see you there!

League Navigation


See what our Members say:

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Location: Wixon School: Lower Gym

Wixon Schhol


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Terry has been one of our best sponsors from the start. An amazing local sport that does a lot for the community and veterans. A big part of the Cape Cod music scene. You will always have a good time at the Sand Dollar.


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